Who says you can’t have it all? That life is about making difficult choices? Nonsense.
Once upon a time TV channels were using huge rooms with a lot of equipment, robots’ tapes and dozens of people running the playout center for a single TV channel – this is going to be the story we will tell our children…
When I think about it, it reminds me of my father telling me that he was watching black and white tv ☺
When nowadays we are all working at remote offices, it is crazy to think that we will be able to manage such services and maintain so much equipment in order to run one single TV channel.
The ability to run playout for TV channels remotely from anywhere in the world is non-negotiable today. This is something we need and that allows us to tune, run a TV channel in the cloud and deliver it anywhere very easily.
The process it took in the past to setup a new TV channel and planning it could take between 6-12 months of plans and waiting time for the equipment, renting a place, training a team and investing a lot of money to buy equipment that has limited lifetime. Nowadays it takes a few hours to set up a cloud playout for a TV channel with little to no risk and no investment. I compare this to trying to explain 4K Color TV to my father, when he was used to watching black and white silent movies.
The impressive new way of being able to set up new things around the world from our home with our keyboard and internet connection is so amazing that it almost seemed impossible just a few years ago.
Now you can have it all. Cloud playout includes graphics, ingest, encoding, transcoding, monitoring, live production and more. Easily and quickly install and run it all from home or from the office or even on the beach the flexibility to cope with whatever TV channel needs.
The COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways and forces us to embrace new ways of interactions and technologies that will minimize human contact and improve our efficiency, saying that we can clearly see that it matched the cloud playout solution in the broadcast TV industry.
Looking forward to the future of the broadcast industry it is clearly going to be the next common solution for playout. The technology is only improving and moving forward each day. The automation is incredible and the benefit of using it is just so amazing that sometimes we can even ask ourselves
how come I am discovering this only now? Where was the cloud playout all this time?